Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Leadpages vs Click Funnels


When it comes to webpage creation, building marketing funnels, and specifically opt-in pages and lead generation, there are two big tools that stand out above the rest, Leadpages and Click Funnels.

But what’s all the fuss about?

What exactly do these tools do?

Do you really need them, and which one is better?

In today’s blog post I’ll put both of these tools under the microscope (check out the video review a little further down this page) and give you some insights into what I like about each, and which one may be right for your situation.

If you decide to invest in either of the tools, I’ve prepared a quick-start guide to help you hit the ground running (which you’ll be given after you signup), more details on this at the end of the blog post.

What Are These Tools Used For?

Both tools are designed to do a few key things:

1. Create Generic Opt-In Pages

  • Giveaway Pages
  • Webinar Registration Pages
  • Waiting Pages
  • Coming Soon Pages (with opt-in functionality)

2. Create Dead-End Pages (where there’s no call to action)

  • Download Pages
  • Thank You Pages
  • Confirmation Pages
  • Coming Soon Pages (without opt-in functionality)

3. Facilitate Lead Generation

  • Popup Boxes
    • Exit Pops
    • Timed Popovers
    • Click Activated Popups

Both tools do a brilliant job of creating all the different types of pages and allowing the functional implementation of everything shown above, but they have quite different approaches to doing it, each with it’s own set of pros and cons.

Let’s take a look at a few examples of the types of pages we typically create using these tools:

Page Examples

Sales Pages

Leadpages has some stunning sales page templates available. Here’s an example of one of them:

Click Funnels also offers sales page templates, here’s one of their ‘out of the box’ options:

Generic Opt-In Pages

Here are a few examples of generic opt-in pages I’ve built using Leadpages:

Here are a examples of generic opt-in pages I’ve built using Click Funnels:

Dead-End Pages

Here are a examples of ‘dead end’ pages I’ve built using Leadpages:

Here are some examples from Click Funnels:

Lead Generation Popups

Popups can be designed to happen when someone is about to leave your page, when someone clicks a link, at a certain scroll point on your page, or after a pre-determined time that a visitor has been on your webpage.

Clicking on the orange link near the top of this blog post is an example of an action initiated popup (this one was made using Leadpages):

And you can see an example of an exit-pop here, when you try to leave the page after it’s been loaded:

Both tools make great pages.

The quality of the pages these tools create can’t really be separated, the functionality of both tools is brilliant… where they majorly differ is in the workflow of setting up these pages. To see what I mean, check out this video:

Leadpages & Click Funnels Have Different Workflows

As shown in the video above, the workflow design is the main difference between each of the two tools.

Leadpages is about creating individual stand-alone pages.

Click Funnels is about creating a series of pages that work with one another, also known as a funnel.

Pros, Cons & Key Factors

Factor #1: Price

Leadpages offers three tiers of membership, with monthly, yearly, or 2-year subscriptions. The table below shows the current rates for each plan:

leadpages pricing

Click here to see full details about each Leadpages plan

If you’re interested in running any webinars, or utilizing text marketing, or want to split test page conversions from inside Leadpages, choose the Pro plan. If you just want to create simple optin pages and leverage Lead Boxes, then the Standard plan is fine.

click funnels pricing

Click here to see full details about each Click Funnels plan

Click Funnels has a standard price of $97/month, as well as a more advanced plan which is $297/month (for advanced visitor tracking, action based messaging, and offers you an affiliate platform).

So when it comes to price, if you’re just looking at building basic opt-in pages with all the standard features, Leadpages wins.

Factor #2: Page Editing

Leadpages has a decent sized library of free templates for all different page types, and also a marketplace where you can buy templates that other marketers have created.

Recently Leadpages also added a Drag-and-Drop page builder, which actually does a pretty good job of letting you create your own page designs using a simple drag and drop editor.

Click Funnels also offers a good sized template library, but where it really excels is with its Page Editor.

As of right now, the Click Funnels page editor is far more robust than what Leadpages offers, and gives far more flexibility than the Leadpages drag-and-drop builder.

The Click Funnels page builder is built on a solid foundation of Sections, Rows, Columns, and Elements which let you build a page in pretty much any way that you can imagine. The team at Click Funnels have done a phenomenal job to simplify everything down into a logical and easy to use system.

As of right now, Click Funnels has a better Page Editor that offers more freedom to build whatever kind of page you want to build. It’s easy to get the hang of, and offers limitless flexibility.

My feeling is that as time goes by, Leadpages will inevitably close the gap and both platforms will offer comparable editors… right now though, the Leadpages drag-and-drop editor is a bit clunky and doesn’t yet offer the flexibility offered by Click Funnels.

Factor #3: Functionality & Features

Both tools offer the core functionality all marketers need, such as the following:

  • Page Builders and Templates
  • Lead Boxes / Click Pops – pop-up boxes, including click-activated pop-ups
  • Lead Links / Instant Optin – one click webinar registration
  • Page Sharing – ability to share your pages with other people
  • WordPress Integration

In addition to the above, each tool offers a few different bells and whistles. Here are some of the highlights of the things each platform offers, that the other does not:


  • Lead Digits – Text based list subscription, Click Funnels can do this but it requires Twilio, another tool, to be integrated with it
  • No limit to the number of visitors or pages you can create (Click Funnels does limit this)

Click Funnels

  • Funnel Builder – The foundation of this entire tool, build you’re a full funnel in seconds without needing to link up individual pages.
  • Membership Site Builder
  • More Shopping Cart Integrations

Overall Click Funnels has a few more features and wider functionality, but it may be overkill for some marketers (more on this in the conclusion section).

Factor #4: Integrations

Both tools integrate perfectly with all the most popular email auto-responders, social media platforms, and CRM systems.

For payment processing, Click Funnels integrates directly with Clickbank and JVZoo, which may be an important factor for people who sell info products.

Both platforms integrate perfectly with Paypal, Shopify, and other shopping carts.

Which Tool Is Better?

If you’ve read everything above, then hopefully you’re able to come to your own conclusions based on what you need to do in your business… I love both tools, and pay for both of them, and use each one for slightly different things based on their strengths.

But if you still can’t make up your mind, then here are my recommendations…

If cost is not a factor, and you want 100% control and complete flexibility over what your pages look like, then thanks to the advanced Click Funnels page editor, I’d go with Click Funnels.

If you don’t need wild page customizations, and are happy to use basic templates and a slightly less robust drag-and-drop editor, then Leadpages is just fine and significantly cheaper.

Fast-Start Packs

If you’ve decided to invest in either of these tools, then I’ve created a ‘Quick Start’ video guide to help you hit the ground running. All you need to do to get this is invest in either of the tools, click the button below and enter your order ID number (or email associated with your order). We’ll then verify your order, and send you the quick start videos:

Click Here To Verify Your Orderhttps://aidanbooth.leadpages.co/leadbox-1474906289.js

Questions? Comments?

If you’ve got any questions or comments about these tools or anything else, leave them below! I read every comment and personally reply to each one.

Thanks for reading,


Leadpages vs Click Funnels shared from AidanBooth.com

Leadpages vs Click Funnels syndicated from Aileen Batts Blog

from Leslies Tumblr http://lesliesrubin.tumblr.com/post/151013324592

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