Thursday, September 29, 2016

How To Create A Sales Funnel Even If You’re Not An Expert Markter

Why Should I Read This?

Gary Vaynerchuk says “Marketers screw up everything”, I 100% agree.

Before we can dive into this post I need to get you thinking properly….

Hold your hand up if in the past you was just scrolling through your newsfeed and something caught your eye so you click it because the headline grabbed your attention, you read what the person is offering you and decide “Yea, I want this!”, enter your email and BAM, you’re hit with a $7 product to buy.

You’re thinking “WTF, I just wanted what I subscribed for”.

You say no thanks and now positioned with an exit pop as you try to leave the page saying “Wait, I have a special offer for you”.

Then as you go to your inbox you have someone you don’t know once again offering you a product for sale.

As the weeks go on you continue to get bombarded with offer after offer to buy one of their different products or affiliate products they’re promoting.

Sadly, this is what 99% of people are doing and what most marketers are teaching.

You have to ask yourself how does this make you feel when you go through this experience?

Now do you think your customers enjoy it?

I would like to present you with a smarter way of doing things that will take a small email list and turn it into BIG profits.

In this blog post I’m going to show you how to get hyper engagement from your list, increase your sales and have your customers love you for selling them the solution to their problem. (This is not theory, I’ve made over a million dollars online doing exactly what i’m teaching you here).

To top it off I’m going to show you how to setup a simple sales funnel without overcomplicating things like most people try to convince you that you need to do or your marketing will fail.

It doesn’t make sense for you to setup a 20 step sales funnel if you’ve never built a simple sales funnel and got it to work.

Can we agree?

A little foreplay goes a long way

In any relationship(the quality ones) there are a few stages you must go through if you want the relationship to last and grow.

If we compare this to marriage it will make it a little bit easier to understand.

You usually have to go on several dates to build up some trust, get to know each better and establish if you’re a good fit for a relationship.

As the relationship develops you get more comfortable with each other and when things feel just right you finally take things to the final stage(marriage).

Now when we flip back to business most marketers are treating their customers like one night stands. They just want to get as much money as possible without establishing any type of trust or relationship.

One night stands can be fun(if that’s your thing), but they don’t last like a marriage.

Most marketers are marketing to the 5% of the people who are ready to buy right now, but they’re turning off the 95% of people who aren’t ready just yet.

With a little effort you can convert a large percentage of the 95% that most people are ignoring.

I don’t know about you, but I like the 95% margin more than the 5%.

A business doesn’t thrive on one time purchases. To grow a big business you need loyal customers who become repeat buyers.

To do this you need to do the opposite and think the opposite of what you see most people in your marketplace doing.

How to build an email list that keeps buying

If you want to create a profitable email list it’s going to require a shift in your thinking.

You need to focus on building a strong relationship first and selling second.

We want to focus on delivering value to your potential customer first, pre-educating them and then when the timing is right you will present them with the solution to their problems.

You will notice I don’t have banners for my products to buy, I don’t plaster my blog with affiliate links and I’m not trying to sell you anything, but I generate a very high six figure income(no brag) following what i’m about to lay out for you.

By following this method you get people who respond to your marketing like below because it doesn’t feel like marketing. It feels like they made the choice themselves.


Some of the people above have bought everything I’ve sold including $10,000 + products and services. That doesn’t happen without building trust first.

So with that being said I’m going to take you step by step through my basic sales funnels that consistently make me sales every single day once I set them up.

Note: You can always add in more advanced steps, email automation based on how someone responds and all the bells and whistles, but it doesn’t make sense until you understand the basics of how sales funnels work and prove that your funnel is converting leads into sales.

My goal for you in this post is not to confuse you. The goal is to help you create a funnel that will build a strong relationship with your subscribers by delivering massive value upfront and then offering them the chance to do business with you by showing them the solution to their problems.

When you follow what I teach you here you don’t need to be an expert marketer and can still make this very profitable. If you follow my sequencing training inside of FREE 10 day email course you will be able to get people to respond to your marketing like this.


The screenshot above is just what I could fit in the image. I had 3 pages of replies(100 + people) telling me to give them the paypal link to purchase before the cart was even open. I had no sales page, no order form or any fancy marketing for them to even look at before purchasing. Just a description in the email of what they will get and a direct paypal link to send payment.

This is a result I’ve created over and over again by showing you exactly what i’m teaching you in this post.

What you will need:

The post How To Create A Sales Funnel Even If You’re Not An Expert Markter appeared first on The Conversions Lab.

How To Create A Sales Funnel Even If You’re Not An Expert Markter syndicated from Aileen Batts Blog

from Leslies Tumblr

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