Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Plan Vs Strategy- I Wish Someone Taught Me This When I Got Started!

If you’re struggling with Information Overwhelm or what you should be focusing your time on in your business to go from hobby to full time career you’re not alone.

When I first started my business I had no clue I would ever create a seven figure business on the interwebs. I just wanted to make $3000 a month to quit my day job so I had time to figure out how to turn this into a full time income.

I started by subscribing to everyones email list, attending two or three webinars a week and I purchased more products in my first year in business then I care to admit.

Still No Results!

I was very confused as to where I should start first because I was told I should be:

  • Blogging
  • Podcasting
  • Doing livestreams
  • Posting content on every social media platform.
  • Launching my own products
  • Doing affiliate marketing
  • Building crazy complex sales funnels that make my freak’n head spin.
  • And it’s a never ending list of things I could be doing.

Sound familiar?

Eventually I came to the point that I knew I needed to find someone who could show me exactly what to do, why they do it and someone who actually practices what they preach.

So if right now you’re not making a minimum of $10,000 + a month then this post will be helpful to you.

Creating a successful business comes down to 7 things:

1. Focus on IPA’s

Everyday you have a million different things you “COULD” be doing, but the answer isn’t about doing more. The real answer is to focus only on the few things that matter and to eliminate busy work.

After doing hundred’s of webinars and phone consultations I’ve found that most people are confused as to what they should be doing because of this…

The post Plan Vs Strategy- I Wish Someone Taught Me This When I Got Started! appeared first on The Conversions Lab.

Plan Vs Strategy- I Wish Someone Taught Me This When I Got Started! syndicated from Aileen Batts Blog

from Leslies Tumblr http://lesliesrubin.tumblr.com/post/161786706517

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